Saturday, 31 August 2013

Easy microwave chocolate cake recipe!

Craving for some desserts or warm chocolate pudding at night?!
Try this easy and quick microwave chocolate cake!
It might not be as nice as the oven cooked ones...
but it will do for the night ...
So here we go!
Dark chocolate…………………………………50g
Plain Flour………………………………………..4 Tbsp
Sugar……………………………………………….2.5 Tbsp
Baking powder…………………………………1/4 Tsp
Unsalted Butter……………………………….30g
Milk…………………………………………………3 Tbsp
Vanilla essence…………………………………Few drops
Chocolate chips………………………………..1 tsp

Monday, 26 August 2013

Greentea Madeleines Recipe! 綠茶馬德蓮貝殼蛋糕食譜

I've gone crazy and addicted to Madeleines!
Saw a greentea madeleines recipe online and thought I will try making it!
Although I still prefer the orginal flavour.. but for some of you which has greentea addiction,
this might be something you wanna try making! :D
So here we go the recipe!
Cake flour ....... 130g
Baking Powder ...... 5g
Caster Sugar ...... 100g
Greentea Powder .... 10g
Milk ................. 30g
Eggs .......... 2
Lemon Zests ..... 1/2
Unsalted butter (melted) .....85g

Friday, 23 August 2013

Madeleines Recipe! (馬德蓮貝殼蛋糕食譜)

I have always loved Madeleines since I was a kid!
I kinda had a chill day today, so I thought I will try make some Madeleines!
They were so tasty!
So here is the recipe!
Cake flour .......... 100g
Baking powder ..........1/2 tsp
Salt .......... 1/4 tsp
Eggs ......... 2
Vanilla essence ..... 1/4 tsp
Lemon Zests ..... 1
Caster sugar ..... 70g
Unsalted butter (melted) ..... 80g
Icing sugar for decoration

Monday, 19 August 2013

My Birthday :D!

It was my birthday yesterday and sadly, yes! I made my own birthday cake!
hahahaha, I just thought it is another great chance for me to make another cake to gain some experiences hahaha. Yes, I am sad!
It was a lovely birthday :).
Went shopping during the day and followed by dinner and karaoke with some friends!
I have received some surprising present this year...
It really did shocked me when I opened it...

Monday, 12 August 2013

Patisserie Chrystal has got its own business card!

Patisserie Chrystal (My online cake shop) has finally got it's own business card!!
This is like the first ever business card I ever had? haha :P
I am so happy and excited!
Thank you for my friend for designing the logo for me!
A lot of more new cakes to come!
Order yours now!
instagram: patisseriechrystal

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Cake testing day :)

Mocha is one of my favourite top three coffee :)
So today, I thought I will try make a mocha mousse cake!
I've actually saw this cake and the design from a book that i bought lately.
This recipe actually turned out tasting really good! :D
This is gonna be a new cake for my online cake shop!

Friday, 2 August 2013

My Mum's Birthday!

It was my mummy's birthday yesterday, and of course I made her a cake!
This is the first time for me to make a love heart cake and it actually turned out looking quite good!:P hehehe!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Easy Palmier Recipe!

I have made some Palmier a few days ago, thought I will share the recipe!
Palmier is like some sort of biscuit that is made out of puff pastry. It is really easy to make and it is so tasty! Perfect idea for handmade gift!
All you need to make Palmier are
A roll of ready rolled pastry
Unsalted Butter
Caster Sugar
1) Pre-heat oven to 200oc
2) Melt the unsalted butter
3) Roll out the ready rolled pastry on the working surface
4) Brush on the melted butter on the pastry and sprinkle a lot of caster sugar all over the pastry
5) Mark out where the middle of the pastry is, then start rolling into the middle. (Like shown in the picture)
6) Wrap the pastry up and put it in the fridge for around 30mins (So its not too soft, it will be easier to cut)
7) Get the pastry out from the fridge and cut it into piece around 1inch.
8) Line a baking tray and spread the palimer out.
9) Once you have lined all the palimer, brush a coat of butter on so it will turn shiny after bake.
10) bake for 15-20mins until it has turn golden.
Make sure after the palmier has cool down, storage in a container to avoid it going soft!